Gollancz and the SF Gateway — What do you think?

Folks have been talking about the big news all day:  Gollancz is creating a new imprint designed to published ebooks of author’s backlists.  It’s called the SF Gateway (they’re also on Twitter).  One part “social network” and one part back list publishing scheme, this is probably a step in the right direction for Gollancz (and […]

The Alphas (Episode 2) of Warehouse 13 (Episode 3.2) in Eureka (Episode 412)

Thank you, SyFy, for making Mondays something to look forward to!  My husband has completely stopped watching Warehouse 13 and hasn’t started watching Alphas, but it’s still a joy to share Eureka with him.. and we got to squee geekily together, which is always a great thing.  However, this week’s episodes of all three were […]