Feed the Machine: A God Named Higgs

Standard Model So the Higgs Boson was confirmed last year was it? I can’t remember. Anyway, it won Mr. Higgs and that other guy who also theorized it a truckload of krona. Meanwhile, the men and women who actually discovered the damn thing got no love. But fear not, you honorable CERN employees, because you […]

Feed the Machine: Blunderdome

This week’s Feed the Machine will be a little different. Before I go on, here is the link to the article in question: Following the missteps of giants — Phys.org It’s a short article, more a review than a science article really, but it got me thinking, and I want it to get you thinking. […]

Feed the Machine: Life, Camera, (RN)Action!

Clicketh and Readeth This week’s FtM will be short and sweet. Simply, what would happen if scientists tried to create new life in the lab using RNA reactors and succeeded? What if they put this lifeform in a hothouse and rapidly accelerated its evolution? What would come out of it? What would be the social, […]

Feed the Machine: Ah, My Eye!

Clicketh This article is incredibly cool.  I think biological based SF is poised for an explosion.  Most Hard SF is based upon physics or astronomy.  Sometimes nanotech, which is an offshoot of chemistry, but the advances being made in biology are exceeding what we are coming up with in SF. This article immediately made me […]

Feed the Machine: Love Me True

    Read me. What is this world coming to?  Jesse Schell interviews Bob Bates, game designer and former chair of the IGDA.  In it, Bates predicts a few future changes in video games, but the one that is really interesting has to do with player-character interaction.  He believes that soon, players will build real […]