Dear Publishers: Call for Books by Women to Review

Original Art by Dirk Reul; Adapted by Alt Jade Designs

If you haven’t heard, there’s this thing called the Russ Pledge making the rounds in the science fiction and fantasy community.  This SF Signal Mind Meld, which features an entry by one of our venerable hosts, is quite illuminating.  Having looked through our interviews in the last few weeks (and in the coming weeks), we realize that we’ve been hit with an extraordinary number of menfolk.  Don’t take that the wrong way, though.  We love the menfolk just fine, but only three of our ten interviews in the history of this podcast were with women, and all of our upcoming interviews are with men.

So, we want to know:  where are the female science fiction writers (or fantasy, for that matter)?  If you’re out there and would like us to review your book (and possibly have you on the show), send us an email (skiffyandfanty[at]gmail[dot]com).  We want to hear from you, or your publisher (or both)!

Bring it on, ladies.  We’re ready for it.

(P.S.:  If you’re curious, the three women we’ve interviewed are Celine Kiernan (part one; part two), Lauren Beukes, and Mary Ann Mohanraj.)


0 Responses

  1. I’m a woman writer! I’m not well known (I had a novel serialized in Jim Baen’s Universe in 2009) but I have a book coming out in October. Would I be eligible? It sounds like fun, and–of course–I’d love the chance to plug Mirror Maze.

  2. I’m a woman writer. Not too well known but known among Black specfic writers. My book, Wind Follower, was published by Juno Books. My short stories have appeared in anthologies by Nalo Hopkinson, Kat Sedia, Will Horner and upcoming anthos by Charles Saunders and Warren Lapine. I tend to write pagan fantasy, sword and soul, Christian fantasy, multiculti fantasy. Please say I’m eligible.

  3. You’re women and write SFF, I believe that covers all our requirements! Please shoot us an email at skiffyandfanty[at]gmail[dot]com and we’ll be in touch. We’re so glad to have gotten such a great response to this call and we can’t wait to start the interviews!

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