#33. Alien (1979) and Aliens (1986) — A Shoot the WISB Subcast w/ Damien Angelica Walters

Facehuggers, flamethrowers, and angry momma aliens, oh my!  Damien Angelica Walters brings her squee to this special Alien-centric episode!  We discuss the legacy of Alien and Aliens, the evocative design of the films, their underlying metaphors, and so much more!

We hope you enjoy the episode!

Note:  If you have iTunes and like this show, please give us a review on our iTunes page, or feel free to email us with your thoughts about the show!

Spoiler Alert:  the following podcast contains spoilers for the film being reviewed; if you wish to see the film without having it ruined for you, download this podcast and save it for later.

Download the Episode here.

Show Notes:

Our new intro music is “Time Flux” by Revolution Void (CC BY 3.0).

That’s all, folks!  Thanks for listening.  See you next week.


2 Responses

  1. So I’m only half way through the episode at the moment as I was on my evening walk and I plan to finish listening to the episode tomorrow evening, but there are two things that I’d love to draw your attention to.

    First the actors in the scene where the Space Jockey is revealed I believe is children in spacesuit costumes standing in front of a matt painting. And secondly I hope that you’ve seen this and the video that I’m about to link to is something that you know about, but if you haven’t seen this, it’s a thing of wonder. It’s Adam Savage, of Mythbusters and Tested.com, showing off his detailed replica of Ash’s spacesuit.

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